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  • 2012-03-23
    I haven't studied English for a long time because I was really busy.
    I just took 2 classes.
    I feel like my English ability is regressed.
    Cheer up again.
  • 2012-02-24
    I really want to speak English.
    I used to dream at night that I spoke Enlgish till 1 year ago.
    I hope that I can speak English fluently through speaking max.
  • 2012-02-16
    I've just finished 2 courses. Those are pattern booster and survival.
    It took about 2 months to finish them.
    I think it took too long.
    I am going to study harder from now on.
  • 2012-02-14
    I think that it is hard to understand when speakers are young.
    They have a tendency to speak faster than adults.
    But, it's okay because a lot of experience would be helpful to me.
  • 2012-02-13
    It was great.
    Today, I dictated three scripts.
    It was a little bit hard work.
    But, I am going to continue this way.
  • 2012-02-08
    I am taking the survival English.
    I decided to dictate what the native say in the lecture.
    Actually, when I didn't take down the passages, I didn't understand perfectly.
    But, after dictation, I could understand the meaning of the sentences more easily.
    Of course, it takes a long time to take dictation and to finish each lesson.
    However, I'm sure it is a good way to improve my listening and speaking skills.
  • 2012-01-20
    It was really fun.
    I really want to speak English fluently in the future.
    Can it be possible?
    I hope my dream comes true.
  • 2012-01-19
    I ended up getting "accent matched".
    I thought it was possible at first.
    I used to be satisfied with "input completed".
    As of today, I try to get more "accent matched".
  • 2012-01-13
    It is hard to clear the day's lesson.
    I wonder how other people have got high score.
    I'm taking a "pattern booster" and I try to review each lecture.
    But, I'm always in fourth place.
    Anyway I'm going to study hard English by using speaking max.
    I really want to improve my English speaking skill.
  • 2011-12-27
    It was a great lesson today.
    I'm really hoping that I can speak English fluently someday.
    If I could master all courses of this site, my dream could be accomplished.
2024년 영어회화 고객만족도 1위, 스피킹맥스
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2024 교육(AI영어)부문
    한국브랜드만족지수 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2023 영어회화
    한국고객만족도 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    4년 연속
    대한민국 퍼스트브랜드
    영어회화 부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015~2019 5년 연속
    어학교육분야 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2016 중앙일보
    우수브랜드 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 앱어워드코리아
    영어교육부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 K-ICT
    미래부장관 수상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 벤처활성화
    산업부장관 표창
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