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377,395의 100% 실제 학습 후기가 작성되었습니다.
  • 2012-07-14
    I've got you a little present.

    I will bring a Korean dish.

    What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?

    I have never been to a football game before.
  • 2012-07-14
    I'm here for my 3 pm appointment with Dr. Jones.

    My doctor prescribed these medicines.

    I need to send this package to South Korea.

    Hellow, How can I help you?
  • 2012-05-05
    1. How do you like the school so far?

    2. I like to watch movies and hang out with my friends.

    3. What is the weather like in Korea?

    4. Where is the school library?
  • 2012-05-05
    1. What movies are currently playing?

    2. Are you looking for anything special today?

    3. When do you want to meet?

    4. How may I help you today?
  • 2012-03-25
    [Today's Expression]

    Do I have to pay extra?

    No, we are ready to order.

    Is this for here or to go.

    Would you like paper or plastic bags?
  • 2012-03-14
    [Today's Expression]

    Could you show me where the bathroom is?

    My mon is a housewife. and my dad is a police officer.

    What do you usually have for breakfast?

    I am really full now. It was so good.
  • 2012-03-10
    [Today Expressions]

    1.I'd like a cup of orange juice, please.

    2. I am here to study at a local university in NY.

    3. I'm just glad that it's not lost or anything.

    4. Have you been waiting here for a long time?
  • 2012-03-10
    [Today's Pattern]

    1. I must admit that the weather is so nice today.

    2. It's not my fault that the accident happened.

    3. It is worth spending more time.

    4. I appreciate your kindness.
  • 2012-03-07
    [Today's Pattern]

    1. There's no doubt about my decision.

    2. I could have given up, but I didn't.

    3. When was the last time you exercised?

    4. You deserse to have a relaxing weekend.
  • 2012-03-02
    [Today's pattern]

    1. As of today, you'll be our new spokesman.

    2. You're supposed to reply as soon as possible.

    3. Now that you bring it up, you're absolutely right.

    4. It turns out that the milk was expired.
2024년 영어회화 고객만족도 1위, 스피킹맥스
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    2023 영어회화
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    4년 연속
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    영어회화 부문 대상
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    2015~2019 5년 연속
    어학교육분야 대상
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    2016 중앙일보
    우수브랜드 1위
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    2015 앱어워드코리아
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    2015 벤처활성화
    산업부장관 표창
(주) 위버스브레인 대표이사 : 조세원 | 주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로30길 28 마리오타워 9F | 사업자등록번호 : 119-86-08751
개인정보관리책임자 : 정연중 | 통신판매업신고 : 제 2022-서울구로-0530호 | 서울시 남부교육청인가 1001호 위버스브레인 원격평생교육원
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